
List of all available commands


Creates a new public nest using the current servers setting. When creating a nest the amount of pokestops, gyms and spawns can optionally be provided after the nest name by separating each with a comma.

$create-nest <nest name>, [pokestops], [gyms], [spawns], [exgyms]

KEY: < > required | [ ] optional


Delete an existing public nest created by this community. A nest can not be recovered once deleted.

$delete-nest <nest name>

KEY: < > = required | [ ] = optional


Returns a list of all available commands in alphabetical order categorized by the command category. If a command is specific, results return help about a specific command.

$help [command]

KEY: < > = required | [ ] = optional


Lists all nests created by this community in alphabetical order and allows live reporting and updating.



List a nest created by this community and allow for live reporting and updating.

$list-nest <nest name>


Displays a search result for nests created by this community along with directions and the nesting species. If the miscord server setting is true the directions link will be removed.



Changes the nickname of the current user for the current server only. Be sure to abid by the servers guidelines.

$nickname <nickname here>


Set the servers active admin channel. Requires the id of the channel to ensure accuracy.

$set-admin-channel <channel id>


Set the servers active admin role.

$set-admin-role <role name>


Set the servers city channel using the id of the channel. This ensures accuracy and allows you to change the channel name at any time. A city channel is a sub nest channel used to list all nests for one area your server covers (if the server has area based channels).

Accepted Numbers 1 | 2

$set-city-channel <number>, <channel id>


Set the servers active city. This is used to auto generate data when creating nests and for auto search results.

$set-city <city name>


Set the servers active country. This is used to auto generate data when creating nests and for auto search results.

$set-country <country name>


Set the servers active language. This will allow for argument and auto response translation.

Accepted Arguments: english | german

$set-language <argument>


Set the servers next migration date using the month and day (The year is automatically generated). This is used to determine if the reported migration is a regular scheduled or event migration.

$set-migration-date <month>, <day>


Set the servers active nest channel. Requires the id of the channel to ensure accuracy.

$set-nest-channel <channel id>


Set the servers active nest manager role.

$set-nest-role <role name>


Set the servers active prefix. This is what allows the bot to read the message for a command.

$set-prefix <new prefix>


Set the servers active region/nickname/statewide capital. This is used to auto generate data when creating nests and for auto search results.

$set-region <region name>


Set the servers active state. This is used to auto generate data when creating nests and for auto search results.

$set-state <state name>


Sets all nests created by the current server to unreported. All nests listed in the nest channel will update live and search results will be updated for the next search. The current nesting species will also be saved in case of a nest revert. This command also edits the migration details message listed in the nest channel to the proper dates.



Set the servers active timezone. This is used to auto generate data used for nest migrations.

USA Arguments central | eastern | mountain | pacific

UTC Arguments utc0 |utc1 | utc2 | utc10

$set-timezone <argument>


If true, PokeCloud will display specific command responses differently to best fit Facebook Messenger. If false, PokeCloud will display command responses best fit for Discord.



If true, PokeCloud will send a message in the set channel tagging the set role about the report migration.



Report a Pokemon nesting at a nest created by the current community.

$report-nest <nest name>, <pokemon>

KEY: < > = required | [ ] = optional


Sets all nests created by the current server to the nesting species that was reported BEFORE the last migration.. All nests listed in the nest channel will update live and search results will be updated for the next search. This command also edits the migration details message listed in the nest channel to the proper dates.



Update data about a nest that was created by the current community.

Arguments: pokestops | gyms | exgyms | spawns |city | region |state | country | google

$update-nest <nest name>, [argument], [new data]

See the below link for additional help and examples on updating nests

Last updated