Creating Nests
How to create nests using the default and extend versions of the $create-nest command for faster data input.
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How to create nests using the default and extend versions of the $create-nest command for faster data input.
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Before continuing, ensure your server has completed the community setup guide.
The city and state from your sever settings is automatically attached to the new nest being created. If the server covers more than one city, you can change the default active city any time using this command.
Its recommended to create all nests for one city, then change the city and continue creating all nests for that city.
Upon creating a nest, directions are automatically generated using the nest name as well as the servers city and state. This feature uses Google to automatically find the users location to provide faster and more accurate directions.
PokeCloud does NOT read, store or share user locations in anyway.
Only the nest name is required. Optionally, the amount of pokestops, gyms and spawns can be inputted by separating each with a comma. Don't worry, nest data can be updated at any time. Lets take a look at what the full command looks like as well as an example...
< > = required [ ] = optional
Creating a nest with just the name defaults all nest data to the unknown state of ?.
Creates a nest called Hilton Park with ? pokestops, ? gyms and ? spawns.
Skipping inputs are also possible by using a ? for the amount. This is only needed if the input after another input is being set (as shown below).
Creates a nest called Hilton Park with ? pokestops, 3 gyms ? spawns, and ? ex gyms. Notice we left the spawn and ex gym input blank to default it to its default value of ?/0.