

Server Settings

  • Custom bot prefix.

  • Location settings include city, state & country.

  • Multiple languages available

  • A custom Timezone setting to choose the servers timezone offset.

  • 2 roles (admin & reporter) to give server admins complete control. These can be renamed.

  • A PokeCloud Admin channel to create/delete server data & receive bot alerts.

  • Autoclean features to clean some command & responses automatically. Some command deletion can be controlled by a autoclean setting.


  • Create nests with or without nest data.

  • Update a nest using emoji reactions or the data field directly.

  • List all nests, only nests with reports, or create city based nest channels and list nests by city.

  • Report nests with the nest name or nickname. Listed nests automatically update after a report is made.


  • Full Pokedex that is updated live without bot restarts/updates.

  • Displays specie forms, costumes, shiny availability, nesting ability, fast/charged moves, if a move is an elite move, max CP & more.

Trainer Profiles

  • Earn points & rank up levels based on interactions with the bot.

  • Store & quickly share your Trainer Code.

  • Nest report count keeps up with your total nest reports

Last updated